Blog Post
January 22, 2025
Readiness to change: unlocking transformation through personalization
A 2022 Gallup survey indicates that roughly 7% of the U.S. population—or over 18 million U.S. adults—identify as LGBTQ. And while many companies advanced their DEI policies in recent years, LGBTQ professionals continue to face unique challenges based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
American companies hold a great deal of power when it comes to shaping public opinion and supporting LQBTQ employee wellbeing at work. LGBTQ rights have increased dramatically over the past 20 years, but there is still room for improvement.
A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group has shown:
of LGBTQ employees have experienced daily negative workplace interactions related to their LGBTQ identity.
of LGBTQ employees are closeted at work, and 26% of these individuals wish they could be out at work.
of LGBTQ employees who are out in their personal lives have lied about their identities at work in the past year.
of employees who are out at work remain closeted to their clients and customers.
HR professionals, managers, executives, and other workplace allies have the power to help improve the wellbeing of diverse employees—including those who identify as LGBTQ. Here are five simple ways to create a more supportive workplace for your LGBTQ employees.
It’s important for allies to take initiative and research what it means to be a member, and an ally, of the LGTBQ community. Don’t leave it up to your LGBTQ employees to educate you and other co-workers.
National organizations like the Human Rights Campaign offer excellent resources for individuals and workplaces. You can also look to local organizations for a more specific focus on your community. For us, that would be organizations like One Iowa.
Ways to kickstart your education:
Be affirming, respectful, and practice active listening. By just listening and being supportive, you show you care. This goes back to educating yourself and making an effort to learn more, thereby creating a culture in your workplace that feels safe for your LGBTQ co-workers to be themselves.
This doesn’t mean you need to go around every day patting your LGBTQ co-workers on the back and saying, “You’re great just the way you are!” (In fact, I’m advising against that.) Instead, start with the simplest way to affirm someone’s identity: listening.
Remember, the onus is on workplace leaders and allies to learn more, be open, and appreciate the privilege they may have as a heterosexual person. You’re already off to a good start by reading this blog!
During one of our recent blogs, we discussed the importance of inclusive hiring practices. When building a culture of wellbeing, it’s important to consider the signals you’re sending as a company or fellow co-worker. If you’re hiring for a new position, actively seek out LGBTQ professionals through LGBTQ hiring boards and recruitment events.
Studies show diverse companies are more likely to lead in innovation and outperform the competition. So, not only is building a more diverse culture the right thing to do, it’s also great for your company’s overall wellbeing.
Authentic representation is a simple, effective way to build a more inclusive work environment. Go beyond showing LGBTQ community members during Pride Month and extend that visibility year-round. It’s also important to make sure your representation is authentic and avoids tokenism or stereotypes. Tokenism can occur when an entity only makes symbolic efforts—that give the appearance of supporting underrepresented groups—without truly supporting those values.
If you’re going to move forward with more inclusive advertising, make sure the focus is on normalizing these interactions and giving LGBTQ individuals a voice. This non-verbal show of support signals to current and new team members that your company supports LGBTQ employees, clients, and community members.
If you want to support the wellbeing of your LGBTQ team members, it’s important to be an active ally. That means being vocal and participating in public shows of support. This can include volunteering at an organization that supports LGBTQ causes or even participating in your local Pride events. Actively supporting the LGBTQ community shows you are willing to turn words into action, and it might help foster a greater sense of acceptance among LGBTQ employees.
It's also important to pay attention to the language you and others use on a daily basis. Using more inclusive and respectful language is an easy way to actively support a healthier, more inclusive work environment. This could look like sharing your pronouns and not assuming someone else's based on their appearance alone.
It’s equally important to recognize and address potentially offensive language from others. It’s common for derogatory comments to be passed of as a joke in casual conversation. Should this occur, make it clear this type of language can be hurtful and is not welcome in the future. While these can be more difficult conversations, they are essential to building a culture of mutual respect.
Want to learn more about diversity and inclusion in the workplace? Find out how you can incorporate DEI into your workplace wellbeing program.
LGBT Employee Experiences; Here's What We Know
A New LGBTQ Workforce Has Arrived—Inclusive Cultures Must Follow
3 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally in the Office
Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature (and LinkedIn profile) and You Should Too
A Corporate Guide to Pride Month
How To Be An LGBTQ Ally At Work
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